
麗晶建設禮聘美國哈佛大學設計研究所(GSD) 為「圓山硯」以3D軟體繪製設計出複雜的雙曲面結構,並在國外以雷射切割訂製出單元模組,再將三百公斤組合元件空運來台。輔以結合產學合作,邀集各院所建築及工業設計相關科系學子參與,由哈佛大學設計研究所專人來台指導技術與藝術的交流。 難得美國哈佛的學術與藝術創作,麗晶建設敬邀與眾分享。

麗晶建設禮聘美國哈佛大學設計研究所(GSD) 為「圓山硯」以3D軟體繪製設計出複雜的雙曲面結構,並在國外以雷射切割訂製出單元模組,再將三百公斤組合元件空運來台。輔以結合產學合作,邀集各院所建築及工業設計相關科系學子參與,由哈佛大學設計研究所專人來台指導技術與藝術的交流。 難得美國哈佛的學術與藝術創作,麗晶建設敬邀與眾分享。

Design and Make:
City Form Office
Andres Sevtsuk, Jia Gu

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

The structure explores the mathematical beauty of a minimal surface. Minimal surfaces are defined as smallest possible surfaces within given bounding curves. One can physically construct a minimal surface by dipping wire rings into soap water. The lifted soap forms an elegant minimal surface between the wires.

In Yan Shan Yuan’s project, we use Ennerper’s minimal surface which takes a three-sided “leaf” form, creating double-curvature spaces and intertwining inside/outside spaces. Despite its theoretical simplicity, the surface creates a complex form whose interaction with the viewer continuously shifts as one moves around it.

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